Tuesday, June 21, 2005

first day ramble

summer's here. it's feeling a lot more like the first day of a new year, if you ask me. there's just been so much change this year. and more is on the way, i can feel it, almost taste it.

the husband's new job is underway. tonight there's a big function celebrating the company's relocation to new quarters. a party -- not bad for week 2, day 2. ironic that it's on the solstice. do you think the organizers planned it? or even knew? hmm. somehow i doubt it. still the idea of a celebration on such an auspicious day is pretty cool. good for them even if they had no idea of the significance.

another change: we decided to bite the bullet and become a two vehicle household again. with commutes in opposite though reasonable distances from the house, it really did make sense. so that's new. and a little bit strange being back behind the wheel on a more regular basis.

i love to drive. still i really enjoyed carpooling. and i like taking the train every now and then. the sound takes me back to backpacking in europe, even though the seats are full of cranky commuters. the funny thing is riding the train never makes me cranky. quite the opposite actually. it puts a slight spring in my step and a little smile on my face.

it just feels like lots of rebirth is happening. maybe it's all the gardening i'm doing these days. or the reclaiming/recycling of old things at home. it also feels like shedding -- like i'm peeling back the layers. maybe this is the year of discovery. i feel like i'm learning more about everything. myself, for sure.

at work, definitely. never thought in a million years i'd be making a living doing what i'm doing. but the weird part is now i can barely imagine doing anything else. explaining things for a living just strikes me as an odd way to make money. it definitely makes life seem purpose-filled. and i get a real kick out of it. coming from a line of teachers, it even makes sense. what doesn't make sense is how i just stumbled upon it by answering a blind want ad in the paper.

had i thought more about it, answering that ad would not have been the way to go. but then again, if i hadn't answered that ad, i probably would have taken a completely different path in the writing world. maybe i would have been a technical writer. a journalist. a columnist. sitcom writer. who knows. but the way i see it is because i took the risk to write as a profession, all paths are available to me in some way or other. maybe that's the real rebirth. or the reinvention.


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