catching up - where did september go?

it's been a crazy september. i just looked at the calendar today theni realized that september's almost over.
where did a whole month go?
since labour day, life's been hectic. work hasn't been so bad compared to how it was all summer, but the husband and i have had a lot going on during the weekends and even week nights.
-the husband and i did a 50K bike ride for the MS society one sunday.
-we had a party for the husband's work colleagues one thursday.
-i went to a baby shower for pretty much an entire sunday. -this past saturday, i had a girls night in party for my overworked, ultra-stressed girlfriends, complete with loot bags.
it's been a good month, don't get me wrong. i feel like i've gained back a lot of my time/sanity and gotten a lot of the things i want to do done. i've done a bunch of little crafty things -- including make a framed print for a friend's wedding.
i even started cooking again! i made cranberry-orange jam on sunday night and tonight i'm going to make lentil soup and muffins. on the weekend, i'll probably do a bunch of cooking. maybe i'll even make some more jars of salsa or another kind of jam. how martha of me -- but that kind of stuff makes nice gifts and gives you a little taste of summer in the worst part of winter.
although i haven't been writing much outside of work, i've been doing a lot of reading. i've caught up on my magazines. i've read a whole book and 1/2 of another. i've planned a weekend trip to boston -- and read the entire guidebook.
and i've started running again. although not this week yet. feeling a bit under the weather. but i start my women only running class in mid-october. it will be a great excuse to leave the office at a reasonable hour.
i've had some good news, but it's premature to discuss at the moment. it's given me a little lift and i've been working hard to change my perspective and be more positive even when i'm stressed. i hope i can rise to all of my new challenges and still keep up with all the stuff i want to do.
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