Friday, October 10, 2008

happy canadian thanksgiving!

fun facts:
-parliament declared it a national holiday in 1957
-it's always the second monday in october
-first one: 1578, in newfoundland, hosted by explorer martin frobisher who gave thanks for the delicious feast and for having avoided the many dangers at sea
-loyalists who immigrated to canada after the revolutionary war brought american thanksgiving customs too

i am thankful for: my husband, the bulldog, my health, my family, my friends and family in canada, my friends and family in the us and scattered throughout the world, my job/a profession that lets me do what i love and get paid for it, my lovely and comfortable home, the food the farmers provide, books, plants and trees, all of the wildlife around us in texas, the beautiful weather, the bright blue sky, twitter/flickr/facebook/blogs/email that let me keep up with my friends who are far away, learning, the gym, hair color, cupcakes, my exercise ball, writing, reading, knowing lots of smart people who keep me on my toes, being able to help people in some small way, fearlessness, tenacity, creativity, flipflops, color, photography, words.


Blogger corky said...

So I'm checking up on some of my old favorite blogs that have been inactive for so long. Maybe some have picked up the baton again. But yours, really? Three and a half years? Too bad for me - I've always enjoyed your writing. I'll keep checking just in case your keyboard gets busy again.

1:22 AM  

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