Sunday, July 30, 2006

is change good?

the ironic part of that comment is that i really honestly believe it is. at work, it's the only constant -- people change, accounts change, technology changes, etc. but at home, i'll admit that i'm a glutton for constant.

it's a bad thing.

the husband loves change at home. he likes nothing better than to make improvements, change paint colours, etc. whereas i may or may not agree depending upon how busy i am at work and what i'd rather be doing with my "free" time.

maybe it's just being lazy. but i'd rather have things well organized, tidy and clean than chase the ellusive perfect paint colour, structural change, furniture rearrangement, or whatever alteration seems to make it closer to perfect.

don't get me wrong, i am very appreciative of the changes and i don't even mind participating in the process, i just find myself wishing i could curl up and read or do something else instead.

so far we've changed the paint colours in the basement and the office. we will be changing the colours in our bedroom -- at least on the ceiling and a couple of walls. i'll admit that all the change is good. and i haven't had to do very much other than keep the bulldog occupied, fetch tools and drinks, move drop cloths, tape and that sort of thing.

but it's summer and there's so little summer here. maybe that's why i'm so resistant. the way i figure we've got all the time when we can't be outside to do this kind of stuff.

next weekend is our august civic holiday long weekend. yeah! i am taking an extra day off because i have been constantly thinking about calling in sick. it's a sign i need to take some time off.

i've actually felt pretty good lately. we're trying to be back at the gym more often. last week we went twice, which with our schedules seemed to work out nicely. i'm eating more healthy stuff again, which for a while wasn't happening, and eating at more regular times.

the only legit "sickness" is coming from my crazy headache ridden skull. my summer weather change headaches have been brutal lately. i've been finding that they are coming more often because the weather has been so unpredictable. still, they are not bad enough to merit a trip to the doctor to find out what i already know -- they are related to the weather. i don't want to take anything stronger than OTC so there's not much of a point.

well, i'm being a homebody this morning. sitting in my jammies, drinking coffee and doing the laundry. i'm trying to decide what i want to do next -- to wake the bulldog or not wake the bulldog, that is the question. but i hear snorts so i think she's decided to get up on her own. better put her breakfast down for her.

i think the bottom line is i need to be taking more time for myself like this. i've been grabbing it back in bits and pieces for the past week. work's been good, steady but not too crazy, so i've been able to. if i keep working at it and i will probably be less likely to be resistant to change.


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