Sunday, June 26, 2005


what is it that makes mosquitos love me so much?
is my blood sweet?
do i have lots of it?
is my skin thin?

whatever it is, those little bastards feasted on me. i was up in muskoka with my coworkers doing volunteer work at a camp for kids with cancer.

i used deep woods off. i reapplied. but it didn't help. two days later, i am still covered with big red itchy welts. benedryl isn't working to stop the ichiness. neither is the anti-itch lotion the pharmacist recommended. it's really annoying.

i was very happy to go on the trip and it was tons of fun -- we had a big party on thursday night and worked really hard on friday doing lots of heavy lifting and moving stuff.

the after-effects are not so much fun. yesterday i had to nap because of the benedryl. today i'm not feeling like doing work at all. and i really need to.

i'm itchy, i need a nap and i'd just like to lie on the couch for the rest of the day.

hopefully i don't get really sick. when i was a kid, i got bit by so many mosquitos that my face was swollen and i had a fever. how sad is that? i had to cover myself in calamine lotion!

i went to the mall with the husband today and attempted to try on clothes. all i could think about was how itchy i was and everything i tried just made me focus on how red the welts were. so i went home empty handed except for a pair of shoes. at least they're hot shoes...


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