Monday, July 23, 2007

licensed for texas

wow, what a strange place the dmv was - right out of a bad movie about goverment processes. so many people milling about looking all crazy. and unhappy. with a free clinic next door. in a decripid plaza.

kids chasing balls, people on cell phones, everyone wandering around. lots of complaining.

a big contrast to the clean, almost sterile environment of the tax accessor's office in southfork, i mean southlake.

actually the people who worked there were very efficient and they were very happy when people showed up at the check-in window with forms filled out and all the id needed in had.

one thing that would have been better -- i should have brought a book with me, but i wasn't thinking that i would make it there today.

there was a guy sitting next to me who desparately wanted to talk to someone, just not me, not today. he eavesdropped on my conversation with the check-in lady so he wanted know know a bit more about my life than i was wlling to share at the dmv with a total stranger. i was happy to have the blackjack with me.

the eye test as probably the easiest i've ever taken. each letter was huge! and picking the colors? there were only 3 choices -- red, yellow or green. filling out the application form was harder.

all in all, it probably took 30 minutes to get the license including the requisite bad photo. still, i'm glad that i don't have to go back for 5 years.


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