yet another silly relocation errand

so get this, tomorrow I have go to the auto theft detectives' office in ft. worth.
why you ask?
to see if my imported-from-canada car is stolen, eh.
this run in with the law only takes place once a month, on the second Thursday. and no, silly, I can't just go to the local cop shop and ask them to run my VIN #. apparently this is highly specialized work that can only take place when the moon and the planets align just so.
anyway, I missed last month so in the interest of finally getting Texas plates and a Texas drivers' license, I figure I should make the attempt to find the place.
providing I don't get too lost on the way back, I should be in before 10, since I'll be waiting for the nice officers with a box of donuts when the place opens at 8.
(I know, I know, this is going to make a great story one day...or maybe an even better joke.)
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