Wednesday, December 15, 2004

rant about morning

rest and a good night's sleep helped and whatever i was fighting seems to have gone away. the only problem is that i was up by 5, left for the office @ 6:30, drove for an hour for a 2 hour client meeting, drove back.

unfortunately, i'm no morning person, especially this time of year. the frozen tundra just doesn't make walking the dog in the dark very inviting. even she doesn't want to get out of bed and cohercing 45 lbs of solid bulldog muscle to do something she doesn't want to do isn't easy under the most favourable conditions. even offering to play ball is met with skeptism and distain at dawn.

i like the idea of getting a jump on my day. getting a run out of the way. doing a few chores. it's just that my internal clock seems to favor night. maybe i can trick myself in the morning by pretending that it's after midnight -- both times it's dark, right? but how pathetic is that?

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

fighting something/holiday barking

itchy, runny eyes. scratchy throat. stuffy head. all i need is the fever so i can rest. and the medicine that knocks you out. well, no blanket on the couch for me today. it's strictly work work work.

it's always busy this time of year so insuring that my shopping is nearly complete was a smart move on my part. and getting the cards done and out too.

i just hope i feel better fast so i can enjoy the upcoming parties and have the chance to do a little holiday cooking. this year, no cookies (except maybe for the neighbourhood dogs), just candy, specifically bark.

holiday bark should be easy -- melt white chocolate in the microwave, pour it on to a cookie sheet, sprinkle with pulverized peppermints (red & green!) and cool in the fridge. then bash it up and put into bags as gifts.
i'll let you know how it goes.

in the meantime, i'm focusing on feeling better.

Monday, December 13, 2004

so that worked

dec.13.04 (a few seconds later)
So I feel more confident now. And I'm wondering why I didn't bother to set this up sooner.

I've been writing professionally for about 13 years, writing for fun for a lot longer than that. I've written a children's book and need to work on getting it published. And I'm hoping this blog can be a way for me to get inspired and inspire others.

If you're looking for a quick writing exercise to get the ideas going -- or just release a little venom -- check out

word traveller

If anybody wants to keep creating they have to be about change, Miles Davis once said. So I'm trying a new kind of writing starting today. I promise it will get more interesting, once I get more confident.